Things That Make Me Sad & Glad on a Good Day

Every few days I look at my weblog statistics to see how people find my weblog and what they read.  I am glad that people are finding my weblog and hope that even one person takes comfort in knowing that they are not alone in their own struggles.  Misery does love company though I regret having this kind of company.

This is what makes me sad.  So many people are searching for answers with regard to miscarriage, grief, cesarean scars, uterine rupture, and the like.  Every day people happen upon my site because they are struggling to understand, cope with, and relate to others who share these experiences. 

My heart goes out to each and every one of you who are faced with the issues that I discuss on this weblog.  I wish I could hug each and every one of you.  Please know that you are not alone.  Find the support that you need.  Find that support that enables you to speak your Truth, loud and clear.

2 thoughts on “Things That Make Me Sad & Glad on a Good Day

  1. Antigone, I am so sorry for your loss. I agree that connecting with others who have experienced birth and pregnancy loss is helpful. Really, I wish there was better support for this in our local communities. This is something that keeps me up at night . . .


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