What drew me to childbirth advocacy

I received an excellent question from a Facebook friend the other day.  And even though my response is brief, I suppose this might be a question that a lot of folks have for people like me!

“So I’m curious… What led you to become involved with ICAN? Personal experience or passionate commitment to natural childbirth? Or both?”   “I am always interested in how people come to be involved in this kind of advocacy.”

My brief response:

I had a cesarean in 2004 and didn’t fully understand the impact of it until much later. I joined ICAN when it was time to try for another baby and have been involved ever since. So, now it’s personal experience as well as passionate commitment to evidence-based practices in obstetrics as well as spreading the word about the benefits of natural childbirth, VBAC, homebirth, birth plans, doulas, midwives, whatever! Also, I’m very concerned about the national cesarean rate and our local rate in Missoula. That’s it in a nutshell!!

And of course I suggested that she have a look at my blog!

One thought on “What drew me to childbirth advocacy

  1. This is the very same for me. First, it was personal experience and wondering why the information I needed to prevent what happened to me wasn’t common knowledge. Then, knowing it was happening to other women along with me and will after me led me into childbirth advocacy. It’s a shame such a thing is even needed, but I’m glad now that my experience though traumatic led me to a wealth of information I can share with other women.

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