And PCOS too

Well . . .my uterus looks just fine.  Looks like I’m healed up from the surgery – the “stripe” looked just lovely.  I still have a posterior fibroid, but I don’t think that was the one the RE messed with this summer since the adenomyoma was just above the cesarean scar.

I have Polycystic Ovarian Sydrome (PCOS).  My OB just discovered it today via ultrasound – the “string of pearls” were clear as day.  I don’t know how much of an affect that has on RPL.  GETTING pregnant hasn’t been my issue, and it seems to me that most women who have PCOS and suffer from infertility are having trouble conceiving.  Maybe that’s inaccurate.

My appointment was very interesting.  My OB doesn’t believe in the luteal phase defect.  That’s not to say that he’s antagonistic – he’s more than willing to treat with HCG and progesterone injections.  What I learned today is that some reproductive endocrinologists don’t believe that the luteal phase has anything to do with conception issues.  It’s the 1st half of the cycle that governs cycle length.  Evidently, if you ovulate then you will have a sufficient luteal phase.  REs that ascribe to this philosophy are more likely to treat with ovulation triggers like clomid, especially with PCOS.

That’s about all I have to say right now.  Just wanted to give the faithful an update and those of you who struggle with faith a bit of information, hope, and comfort.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

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3 thoughts on “And PCOS too

  1. I have been treated with vaginal suppositories and injections. My body makes almost no progesterone and this is why I have miscarried so many times. The hardest part IS knowing that I know and that the doctors know, what is wrong with me and it not making a difference. I do not want my situation to “get you down” this problem is different for everyone. I have an older sister that also suffers with a progesterone deficiency and she has four children, two are twins, and she has been pregnant six times. I know that after any medical procedure I get sad and cannot seek to crawl out of the “black hole” that I put my self in.
    I prayed for you last night and I will continue to do so.
    It helps so much to not feel so alone thank you for being so brave and sharing this part of your life with me and all of us that have experienced these things.


  2. That’s so interesting about what your doctor says about luteal phase defect – having charted for quite a while, I knew (or believed) that if I had a problem, it would be this part of my cycle…I wonder if there are just two schools of thought?

    In any case, congrats…it seems like this is really excellent news about your uterus – way better than feared, yes?

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